



這怪味來自甲硫醇(竟有一比謂之"rotten boiled cabbage"!),之所以有人聞得到有人聞不到,並不是因為尿裡面有或沒有,是關乎鼻子構造。這與基因有關。



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春天來了,正是蘆筍上市的時候。有些人,包括我自己,吃了蘆筍後,特別是新鮮的嫩蘆筍後,會聞到小便有一股特別不愉快的氣味,好像有什麼東西腐敗了似的。一開始都有點顧慮,生怕自己的腎髒或膀胱有什麼毛病了。後來才知道,這是因為蘆筍里有一種很特別的酸,俗稱蘆筍酸,它在體內分解代謝後,產生了一些含硫的物質,最主要的叫甲硫醇, 分子式為CH3SH。甲硫醇是揮發性的氣體,從尿液里散發出來。這不愉快的氣味主要就是由它產生的。這一現象最早是在1891年由 Marceli Nencki報道的,後來就被稱之為蘆筍尿。然而有趣的是,很多人吃了蘆筍後,並沒有聞出自己尿液的異味。我想讀這篇文章的讀者中一定也有很多人從來沒有這種感覺。為什麼呢?起初人們認為,可能各人的代謝方式不同,因此有些人不產生甲硫醇之類的物質。一直到1980年,法國,中國和以色列的科學家發現,人吃了蘆筍後小便里都有甲硫醇。但能否嗅出這氣味,取決于人的鼻腔里有沒有和這氣味親合的受體。大約有百分之二十五的人,有這種受體,而75%的人先天沒有或很少,他們自然就聞不出這種氣味了。說句笑話,能聞得出這氣味的人,可以對自己說︰“我是多少有點與眾不同的”。




【後記】下面是網友 Clt 介紹的一篇關于蘆筍尿的文章,來自今年的醫學雜志,很有參考價值,附于後。(20090815)

ON THE COVER: Asparagus officinalis, or asparagus, has a long and colorful history. It is known to have been enjoyed as a culinary dish since at least the third century CE (De Agri Cultura). This flowering plant, native to Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, is still widely cultivated as a vegetable crop and enjoyed in kitchens around the world. In addition to asparagus's many culinary uses, it also provides information for genetic testing: ingestion of asparagus leads to a distinct urinary phenotype that serves as a genetic marker (MIM 108390).
As early as 1735, written documents reportedly associate the ingestion of asparagus to a distinct urine odor (An Essay Concerning the Nature of Ailments, 3rd ed., 64, 261262), and by 1956, the terms “excretors” and “non-excretors” were used to describe this polymorphic trait (Nature 178, 748749). The odor can be explained by the metabolism of this nutrient-rich vegetable. In addition to its nutritional value, adding folic acid, potassium, and fiber to a diet, asparagus possesses several volatile organic compounds that, when broken down, can lead to an odor compared to that of rotten boiled cabbage (Xenobiotica 17, 13631371).
Several studies have concluded that the autosomal-dominant trait related to asparagus ingestion is that of odorous urine production (Experientia 43, 38283; North Carolina Med. J. 46, 332334). However, additional studies have suggested the trait is rather that of olfaction (Br. Med. J. 282, 167678; Diatema 11, 3738; Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 27, 640641). Whether only some people are able to excrete the pungent urine or whether only some people are able to smell the resulting odor, its use as an anecdotal and relevant genetic marker remains interesting today. Special thanks to Matthew Feldman, Johns Hopkins University, for the cover image.

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phenotype : 顯型
metabolism : 新陳代謝
folic acid : 葉酸
potassium : 鉀
volatile : 易揮發的
autosomal : 正染色體;常染色體
olfaction : 嗅覺
excrete : 排泄;分泌
pungent : (氣味)有刺激性的
anecdotal : 軼事的;趣聞的

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